
January 27th, 2020

Keep Your Eye On the Prize

Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment. Jim Rohn.

Whether it’s your life or career, climbing to the top demands courage, energy and persistence.

Keep climbing. Stand up and stand tall. Keep working, everyday, for the things you believe in. Don’t allow others or things to hyjack your dream. If you do, you are surrendering your fate to others.

Reinvigorate your strength by continually learning, embracing change and cultivating opportunities for new discoveries.

Stay targeted. And always with your eye on the prize.

January 20th, 2020

Hello Monday Morning!

We are all born with a devine fire within us. Our efforts should be to give wings to this fire and fill the world with the glow of  its goodness. R.P.J. Abdul Kalam.


In today’s workplace, technologically connected, interdependent and lean, if you’re not thinking and working like an entrepreneur, maybe it’s time to start.

An entrpreneur is someone who can spot a void in the market or see a better way of doing something that everyone has been doing’ forever.’

A rare few are visionaries…. they are explorers who imagined a new service or product we didn’t even know we wanted and then found out we couldn’t live without it. Think Steve Jobs or Bill Gates. They are just two people who come immediately to mind, but in every field of endeavour the list of entrepreneurs continues to grow exponentially.

But I’m not an entrepreneur, you say.

Not true. We are all entrepreneurs to a degree. Whether you are working for yourself or someone else, many of the values and emotions you attributed only to those daring few are central to your success and the success of the enterprise with whom you may involved.

Entrepreneurs take on creativity and new ideas. Good ideas, turned into new products and services, are the new currency. In times of great change and growth, it is the entrepreneurs who are building pathways from the old world to the new.

To a woman or a man, entrepreneurs are risk-takers and unafraid of failure. Blind to in-the-past ideology and aware of out-of-date practices, they are curious, continually innovating and exploring new possibilities.

They believe in collaboration, sharing and building relationships. They are willing to make the necessary sacrifices and put in the necessary work for as long as it takes.

And they are always up for more – and can’t wait for Monday morning!

January 12th, 2020

Courage My Love

I’ve been absolutely terrified every moment of my life – and I’ve never let it keep me from doing a single thing I’ve wanted to do. Georgia O’Keefe.


In the realm of ideas everything depends on your enthusiasm but in the tough, hard scrabble of everyday life it’s your courage that carries the day.

Whatever your objective, the goal is never to let the temporary pain or fear cause your creative juices to stop flowing or from straying off your path.

The road is long but whatever you’re working on, whether it’s your business or a personal life situation, if it sticks to your soul, stick with it.

The road to success, however you measure it, is always longer than you expected… just another one of life’s pesky rules!

January 6th, 2020

In or Out

We are made wise not by the recollection of the past but by the responsibility for our future. George Bernard Shaw.


A new year can often portend breaking with a past that isn’t working for you anymore and starting out in a new direction.

Whatever that new direction, it almost always means some sort of change and having the courage to take a big leap of faith.

Making that leap – with intention – is an essential part of the innovative process. But every entrepreneur and doer knows this.

It’s about venturing into unknown territory but not letting all the necessary things you still have to do wear you down; not waiting for your peers or or the marketplace or an arbitrary deadline to get started.

We’re living in changing, stressful times, times demanding that we be the very best version of ourselves that we can be.

If you are truly committed to yourself, you’ll know when it’s the right time and you’ll figure it out as you move forward, one step at a time, one day at time, for as long as it takes.

This isn’t for everybody, I know, but you’re not everybody.

In today’s environment, you’re either in or you’re out.

It’s your call.

December 23rd, 2019

A New Decade. Fresh Adventures!

Cheers to a new year another chance to get it right. Oprah Winfrey.


Leave it to Oprah to find the right phrase!

There’s a new decade knocking on the door. In spite of the cynics and pessimists, there are good things going on all around us and amazing stuff in the works.

All over the globe, there are countless people, quietly doing their best everyday for themselves and others, refusing to give into exclusiveness, greed and selfishness that are so ubiquitous.

They make an active choice to stand up what for they believe in and continue to work towards a better world.

Not blindly, but rather with a hard-earned optimism, they embrace the new year and celebrate another chance to get it right.

In that vein, I wish you a happy New Year… and all the best the coming year.

With this post I am taking some time off and will see you back here on January 6, 2020…in a new decade that promises fresh adventures. Get ready!

For more information, rates, or to set up a meeting:
Email drew@drewsimmie.com or call direct 416.450.8867.