
June 24th, 2019

Break With Convention!

Rules?! #*%@! Hell. We’re trying to create something hereThomas Edison.


If you’re going to create something, there will probably come a time, when you are going to have to break with  convention and think differently.

You are going to have to try something you’ve never attempted before. You may even have to go up against people who seem to know better than you do,  and just follow your intuition.

Sometimes, there’s no other way.

Be brave. Jump right in. When you’ve gone as far as you can, you’ll know what to do next.

Want to maximize your potential and power up your life? Questions? Text/call me 416.450.8867 or email drew@drewsimmie.com. Follow me on Twitter.

June 17th, 2019

The Clock Is Ticking!

Never stop fighting until you arrive at your destined place – that is, the unique you. Have an aim in life, continuously acquire knowledge, work hard and have perseverance to realize the great life. Abdul Kalam.


Last Thursday evening I watched my first NBA basketball game, the sixth match between the defending Golden State Warriors, and the contenders, the Toronto Rapters. The game was intense. If the Warriors won, they stayed alive to fight one more time. If the Rapters prevailed, they would, for the first time in the franchises’s history, take home the coveted NBA Cup.

To say the game was intense is a classic English understatement. While I am familiar with the other major sports – baseball, football, hockey and soccer, I had never experienced the same level of drama and tension as I did that evening. It was 48 minutes of on-the-edge-of-your-seat drama.

The lead continually changed hands as the players raced up and down the court, looking to score and put the ball in the basket; three points “from downtown” (going for a long shot), two for “dunking” the ball (putting it in from up close, in a mad scramble, right under the basket). There were a number of turnovers and penalties. And, unfortunately, a few injuries, too.

The pace never slowed. It was amazing. Right up to the end. And even, then, as you know, the officials pushed back the clock .09 seconds in response to a penalty before they finally called it. 48 minutes all came down to seconds. When it was over, everything changed. For the team, the players, the city and the country. Golden State Warriors 110. Raptors 114 – and for the first time, the Raptors now hold the NBA title.

It was a long time coming, 24 years since the team was founded. There were many ups and downs. Starting from zero and getting to the top  is, in many ways, like life. The game of basketball might even be considered a metaphor.

Whether it is getting to the top in the NBA, getting to the top of yourself or your business, it doesn’t come without a razor-sharp aim, unshakable belief in yourself, countless years of continuous learning, sacrifice, hard work and love and support from many people.

We are all born with a divine fire in us. The trick is to fan the flame and keep the fire burning. To be true to ourselves. We don’t all have the same talent, but all of us have an equal opportunity to develop the talents we do have and take them out to the world.

Unlike basketball, life isn’t a game, but it goes by just as fast, and the clock is ticking.

Want to maximize your potential and power up your life? Questions? Text/call me 416.450.8867 or email drew@drewsimmie.com. Follow me on Twitter.

June 10th, 2019

Double Down!

Don’t judge each day by the harvest you reap but by the seeds you plant. Robert Louis Stevenson.


In a world that appears to grow ever more selfish, increasingly distracted by social media and unwilling to collaborate, vying for success and some degree of personal equanimity takes courage and patience.

In such an environment, as you strive to make your mark on the world, and make a constructive difference to the community to which you are reaching out, sometimes the only choice is to take a deep breath… and double down.

Want to maximize your potential and power up your life? Questions? Text/call me 416.450.8867 or email drew@drewsimmie.com. Follow me on Twitter.

June 2nd, 2019

Build Windmills

When the wind changes direction, there are those who build walls, and those who build windmills. Chinese proverb.


It’s your choice. We’re living in challenging times. The winds of change are daunting, but for the brave and the risk-takers. they portend new opportunities, new openings and new startups for those willing to build windmills.

Want to step up your dream or, perhaps, imagine a new one? Questions? Text/call me 416.450.8867 or email drew@drewsimmie.com. Follow me on Twitter

May 28th, 2019

Give It Your Best Shot!

Most people never run far enough on their first wind to find out they’ve got a second. Give your dreams all you’ve got and you’ll be amazed at the energy that comes out of you. William James.


If there’s a project you’ve been meaning to do, something your intuition is telling you to start, listen to it.

Trust it. Beat back your fears. Stop listening to your inner and outer critics .

You are braver than you think, stronger than you seem and smarter than you give yourself credit for.

Life is all too short so make the most of it.

Walks as close to the beat of your own heart as you can. You’ll be amazed where it takes you.

And you’ll never look back.  Just get out there and do it.

Want to step up your dream or, perhaps, imagine a new one? Questions? Text/call me 416.450.8867 or email drew@drewsimmie.com. Follow me on Twitter

For more information, rates, or to set up a meeting:
Email drew@drewsimmie.com or call direct 416.450.8867.