
March 11th, 2019

We Become What We Think.

Thinking.The Talking Of The Soul. Plutarch.


Every thought we’re thinking is creating our future.

Each of us creates our own experiences by our thoughts, feelings and actions.

Our thoughts and deeds create who we become.

What we believe about ourselves becomes true.

And when we create a peaceful and harmonious environment in our minds, we find it in our lives.


Want to step up your dream or, perhaps, imagine a new one? Questions? Text/call me 416.450.8867 or email drew@drewsimmie.com. Follow me on Twitter.

March 7th, 2019

On International Women’s Day


… a poem by, whose else, than Angelou Maya:

Now you understand just why my head’s not bowed.

I don’t shout or jump about or have to talk real loud.

When you see me passing it ought to make you proud.

I say,

It’s in the click of my heels, the bend of my hair,

the palm of my hand, the need of my care.

‘Cause I’m a woman


Phenomenal woman.

That’s me.

March 4th, 2019

There Are No Ordinary Days!

No one day is like another, each tomorrow has its special miracle, its magic moment in which old universes are destroyed and new starts created. Paulo Coelho.


Living at the speed we do today, it’s all too easy to miss the magic moments in life.

The pace is frenetic, the stress and strain unrelenting. As you navigate life’s twists and turns, life can easily catch up to you if you are not careful. We’re so focused on the big stuff that we can often overlook the seemingly little things and significant moments that can make such a difference to our lives and those around us who really matter.

We’re all so busy… just trying to keep up, “staying alive”, as the expression goes. The days turn into weeks, weeks into months and before you know it, in what seems the blink of an eye, years have slipped away.

Sound familiar?

So, how can you reduce the stress in your life and make time to take the “ordinary” out of your day and make it more meaningful?

For starters, here are five suggestions:

  1. Adopt an attitude of gratitude. Notice and give thanks for what you have rather than bemoan what you haven’t.
  2. Share joy, not negativity.
  3. Consume wisely. Pause before buying and ask yourself, “Do I really need this or would simply like it?”
  4. Pay attention to the effects of the media you consume. It will eat up hours of your day if you let it.
  5. Choose your friends with care. If you strive to be spiritually strong, supportive and positive, seek those characteristics in others and help them develop those traits by living them yourself.

HINT: If you are a slave to your todo list, resolve today, right now! to get a handle on it and take back your life. Make a mental note to yourself or better still, write a post-it note and stick it on the fridge door.

In big, bold black letters write, THERE ARE NO ORDINARY DAYS.

Of course, there are demands on your time and obligations that must be met but there is only so much of you to go around. Give yourself a break. You’re the only one who will.

Each time, when you begin the next new list or add another task to your current one, pause and ask yourself, “Are  these tasks moving me towards or away from the life I want to be living?”

If the answer is no, strike them off immediately.You’d be surprised at how quickly you can adapt to a shorter list and how much better you’ll feel.

Life is too precious and time is too short to fritter away even one day.

Give it a try. You’ve nothing to lose… and hours per week to gain.


February 24th, 2019

Working Safe Simply Won’t Do

Even if you are a majority of one, the truth is the truth. Mahatma Gandhi.


If you are still competing with the crowd, trying to look like everyone else, or trotting out old ideas that clearly aren’t working for you anymore, maybe it’s time to rethink your proposition.

Here are three critical questions to ask yourself:

  1. Who, specifically, are you trying to reach?
  2. What story are you telling them?
  3. What is the most effective way to reach them?

In our post-digital age the winners are emerging from the ranks of those willing to step out in front of the crowd.

To grow your enterprise or advance your career you’ve got to be open to change, be absolutely clear about what you are trying to say and to whom you are directing your message.

Working safe simply won’t do.

Want to step up your dream or, perhaps, imagine a new one? Questions? Text/call me 416.450.8867 or email drew@drewsimmie.com. Follow me on Twitter.

February 17th, 2019

Riding The Tiger Of Your Dreams

To dare is to lose one’s footing momentarily. Not to dare is to lose oneself. Soren Kierkegaard.

Whatever your dream or regardless of how long you have been working on it, victory always comes down to doing the hard work and never succumbing to fear:


Fear of failure, of being ashamed, of looking foolish, of being left out, of being embarrassed, of running out of money, of being alone, of dying. Fear is a dream destroyer.

Riding the tiger of your dreams, to live your own truth, is always challenging. The life of a warrior is never easy. There may be times when you feel you need to take a break from yourself and maybe even stop for awhile. That’s OK, but what isn’t OK, what you must never do, is give up on the dream.

Always remember that just over the horizon, on the other side of fear, is the you you’ve been looking for.

Want to step up your dream or, perhaps, imagine a new one? Questions? Text/call me 416.450.8867 or email drew@drewsimmie.com. Follow me on Twitter.

For more information, rates, or to set up a meeting:
Email drew@drewsimmie.com or call direct 416.450.8867.