
October 8th, 2017

Holding True To Yourself

Thinking. The talking of the soul to itself. Plutarch.


In today’s crazy times, it is so easy to become distracted and overwhelmed.

Constantly juggling time and tasks you can easily lose sight of what you are about and what you think is important.

Life isn’t about living up to other’s expectations or acquiring more stuff or meeting your goals and aspirations.

It’s about listening to your heart, staying tightly focused and holding true to yourself.

No matter what.

Stay safe. Stay strong. Stay connected. 

I look forward to seeing you back here again soon.

October 5th, 2017

Stick with it.

Never believe that a few caring people can’t change the world, for indeed, that’s all who ever had. Margaret Mead.


I believe that each of us is here for a reason, that there is meaning and purpose to our lives. I don’t know how I know that. I just do.

That’s not an easy concept to wrap your head around. Stepping out from the crowd takes a special brand of courage and faith.

If that’s where you are, out there every day, doing good work, believing what you’re doing is making a difference and improving peoples circumstances, be brave.

If it sticks to your soul, stick with it.

In these changing, evolving times, as you navigate your future, is your current plan the right one? Could a recalibration be in the cards? I would love to hear from you. Like me to speak to your group? I am easily reachable. Text/call 416.450.8867 or email drew@drewsimmie.com

October 1st, 2017

Do it now.

Never mistake activity for achievement. John Wooden.


No work or love will flourish out of guilt, fear or hollowness of heart, just as any plans for the future won’t materialize by anyone who doesn’t have the capacity to live in the now.

Action separates dreams from reality.

If there is a project you’ve been meaning to do, something your intuition is telling you to start, trust yourself. Listen to it.

You are braver than you think, stronger than you seem and smarter than you give yourself credit for.

Taking action makes things happen. Just being busy won’t cut it.

Get out there. Do it now.

In these changing, evolving times, as you navigate your future, is your current plan the right one? Could a recalibration be in the cards? I would love to hear from you. Like me to speak to your group? I am easily reachable. Text/call 416.450.8867 or email drew@drewsimmie.com

September 28th, 2017

The Value of Self-Esteem

Most people never run far enough on their first wind to find out that they’ve got a second. Give your dreams all you’ve got and you’ll be amazed at the energy that comes out of you. William James.


The ability to know your perceptions are accurate has to happen without the validation of others. Intuition, a gut feeling, a voice whispering in your ear… whatever term you choose, is real.

It’s not the result of some secret potion or something in the water. It’s the natural consequence of having strong self-esteem.

Coupled with your courage and hope, self-esteem is the greatest power you have. It continually fuels the flame of the great adventure that is your life.

In these challenging times, as you navigate your future, is your current plan the right one? Could a recalibration be in the cards? I would love to hear from you. Like me to speak to your group? I am easily reachable. Text/call 416.450.8867 or email drew@drewsimmie.com

September 24th, 2017

Turn Your Back to the Audience

Belief is a truth held in the mind. Faith is a fire in the heart. Joseph Newton.


In a world that continues to grow increasingly distracted, selfish, totally out of whack and hyper-competitive, vying for success and some kind of personal equanimity takes courage and not being afraid to sometimes fail.

In such an environment, as you strive to stay ahead of the game, going along to get along, sometimes you have to double down and turn your back to the audience.

In these challenging times, as you navigate your future, is your current plan the right one? Could a recalibration be in the cards? I would love to hear from you. Like me to speak to your group? I am easily reachable. Text/call 416.450.8867 or email drew@drewsimmie.com

For more information, rates, or to set up a meeting:
Email drew@drewsimmie.com or call direct 416.450.8867.