
October 2nd, 2016

It’s Up to You

The future is called ‘perhaps,’ which is the only possible thing to call the future. The important thing is not to allow that to scare you.
Tennessee Williams.


Nothing can add more power to your life than concentrating all your efforts and energies on a limited set of objectives.

Everyday there are fresh challenges and what looks like insurmountable odds. You cannot always know what is up ahead, but whatever your plans or aspirations, there is one thing you can know for sure:

If they are to see the light of day and to bear fruit it is going to be up to you.

Want to maximize your potential and get more out of life? Learn how at my new 3RD AGE Workshop. Need help moving on to what’s next? Let’s chat. Text/Call 416.450.8867 or email drew@drewsimmie.com

September 28th, 2016

Get Excited

Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm. Ralph Waldo Emerson.


Whatever your dream, whatever you are up to, you must be excited about it.

Excitement leads to action without which you’ll lose your momentum.

Without momentum the dream will die.

Want to rekindle your spirit, maximize your potential and get more out of life? Learn how at the 3rdAGE Workshop. Need help creating a new vision or taking a different direction? Let’s chat. I’m easily reachable online or on the phone. Text/Call 416.450.8867 or email drew@drewsimmie.com.

September 26th, 2016

Shaping Our Future


Open any serious business page these days and you’ll see a piece about a major shift on the economic front, something called post capitalism.

It’s a name being given to the emerging new era in our history, a time that speaks to the profound changes being driven by the technological revolution that is reshaping and changing how we do almost everything.

In his latest book, Post Capitalism, A Guide to Our Future, author Paul Mason, posits that in our old market system, as we have known it for 200 years, “whole swaths of economic life are beginning to move to a different rhythm,” one previously based on markets, wages and private ownership to a new model that is more socially just and sustainable.

The book is extremely interesting, wide ranging in scope, provocative and unsettling, but at the same time, he reminds us that the future is opening new paths, if only we will take them.

If you are interested in the big picture and business in general, you may want to put this book on your night table or read it when you’re sitting at 35,000 feet on the way to your next meeting.

Want to maximize your potential and get more out of life? Learn how at my new 3RD AGE Workshop. Need help moving on to what’s next? Let’s chat. Text/Call 416.450.8867 or email drew@drewsimmie.com

September 22nd, 2016

Courage and Attitude

Belief is a truth held in the mind. Faith is a fire in the heart. Joseph Newton.

Whatever your dream or regardless of how long you have been working on it, it always comes down to doing the hard work and not succumbing to fear:

Fear of failure, of being ashamed, of looking foolish, of being left out, of being embarrassed, of running out of money, of being alone, of dying. Fear is a dream destroyer.

Courage and attitude are fear destroyers..

The life of a warrior is never easy. There may be times when you feel you need to take a break from yourself and maybe even stop for awhile. That’s OK, but what isn’t OK, what you must not do, is give up on the dream.

Always remember that just over the horizon, on the other side of fear, lies victory.

Want to rekindle your spirit, maximize your potential and get more out of life? Learn how at the 3rdAGE Workshop. Need help creating a new vision or taking a different direction? Let’s chat. I’m easily reachable online or on the phone. Text/Call 416.450.8867 or email drew@drewsimmie.com.

September 14th, 2016

The Honest Choice

Whether you are leading yourself or your own business, here are five questions to hold as reference points and keep yourself on track:

1.  What real value are you adding?

2. What major problems do you help your clients solve?

3.  What difference are you making?

4.  How much do you care?

5.  Are you doing things right or doing the right things?

Doing the right things isn’t always easy. In fact, in many instances it is usually the hardest thing to do. But in today’s world where nonsense, hypocrisy and deceit deceit appear to be the norm, it’s the only honest choice.

Want to rekindle your spirit, maximize your potential and get more out of life? Learn how at the 3rdAGE Workshop. Need help creating a new vision or taking a different direction? Let’s chat. I’m easily reachable online or on the phone. Text/Call 416.450.8867 or email drew@drewsimmie.com.

For more information, rates, or to set up a meeting:
Email drew@drewsimmie.com or call direct 416.450.8867.