
April 6th, 2015

Building A Successful Brand

You need to get to the future ahead of your customers, and be ready to greet them when they arrive. Marc Benioff. CEO at Salesforce.


Building a successful brand takes imagination and tons of work. There are always challenges, of course and competitors snapping at your heels. In today’s social media environment, a new app or a good idea isn’t enough unless you get your message out there. Here are three questions to keep yourself honest:

  1. Who are you trying to reach? Have you drilled down far enough?
  2. Why would they want to buy something/service from you? To make the transaction happen, they need to want to buy. What story have you told them to make that happen?
  3. What do you need to do to build on the momentum? What resources, tools or fact have to be in place to make it happen? What products or services do you need to change? How do you know?

Want to take your personal and professional life to the next level?
Ignite your spirit and refresh your purpose. Contact me at drew@drewsimmie.com or call direct 416.450.8867.  Follow me on Twitter.

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March 30th, 2015

Do It

In times of pressing change and short time schedules, there are always those that rise to the challenge and make a success out of whatever they are doing.

Intuitively they know what they have to do. Deaf to the doubters and the naysayers they know yesterday’s ideas are so ‘yesterday’ and the future is reliant on what they do today. They work with what they have on hand. They do what they can.

In today’s market place, you can’t wait around for the right conditions to present themselves. You have to get started now. And you have stay open.

When you are working with a open mind rather than a closed one, you know that one thing will lead to the next. The information you need may be available only after you have taken action. Wisdom often comes from experience, not from analysis.

There are no promises and it won’t be easy. The outcome may still be in doubt, but waiting around isn’t the answer. If you have been holding back, resolve today to stop listening to the naysayers and your own negative self talk.

If you want to make music, make music. If you want to write and make change happen, go do that. If you want to do something that matters, take responsibility for it and go out and do it.

Seriously thinking about looking for a new challenge and refreshing your spirit?
I invite you to read the first chapter of my new ebook. If this resonates then lets explore … email me at drew@drewsimmie.com Follow me on Twitter.

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March 26th, 2015

Out Of Sight Of Land

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than the ones you did, so throw off the bow lines, sail away from safe harbour, catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover. Mark Twain.


Do you like a challenge? Do you love being at the bottom of a steep learning curve and finding that one thing leads to another? Want to rekindle your spirit and put passion back into your life?

Would you like to do something else, start something new? New is what our world and the market place is all about today. There isn’t a better time to become an explorer, to cast off the mooring lines and find new possibilities where none currently exist.

You are brave, curious, open to new ideas – and willing to sail out into unknown waters, often for a long time, out of sight of land.

Seriously thinking about looking for a new challenge and refreshing your spirit?
I invite you to read the first chapter of my new ebook. If this resonates then lets explore … email me at drew@drewsimmie.com Follow me on Twitter.

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March 24th, 2015

e-book launch

LifeWithoutAParachute_Cover_webFor a number of years now, I have devoted my time to coaching, teaching, speaking and writing about being authentic and doing work that makes a difference. All of this has resulted in the recent publication of an updated, second edition of Life Without A Parachute.

The book speaks to the needs of many who are intent on getting past their fear and doubts, wanting to embrace new challenges and do work that truly engages both their head and their heart.

In keeping with the times, it is an e-book published on Amazonexternal_link2
I invite you read the first chapter and look forward to your comments.

Have you outgrown your current situation? Need to refresh your purpose? Let’s explore … email me at drew@drewsimmie.com Follow me on Twitter.

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March 23rd, 2015

Good Old Fashioned Grit

Greatness is not where we stand, but in what direction we are going. We must sail sometimes with the wind, sometimes against it, but sail we must; and not drift, nor lie at anchor.
Oliver Wendell Holmes.


Business isn’t easy, not that it ever was. In today’s constantly shifting market place the winners – always hopeful by nature – are those with the courage to change and adapt to new conditions, always with an eye out for new opportunities.

That sometimes means moving out of their comfort zone, being honest and discarding what doesn’t work. Rather than dwelling on past successes and previous glories, they focus on what they can do rather than on what they think they can’t.

Added to all of that, is a large portion of good, old-fashioned grit.

Seriously thinking about looking for a new challenge and refreshing your spirit? 
I invite you to read the first chapter of my new ebook. If this resonates then lets explore … email me at drew@drewsimmie.com Follow me on Twitter.

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For more information, rates, or to set up a meeting:
Email drew@drewsimmie.com or call direct 416.450.8867.