
February 3rd, 2014

Art of Changing in the Third Age.

“True happiness comes from the joy of deeds well done, the zest of creating things new.”
Antoine de Saint-Exupery.

The winds of change are still blowing. Unabated, they continue to impact on every age – especially those in their 50’s, 60’s and 70’s+, The Third Age.

Many in this Third Age are quite content to slow down and rest on their laurels. They are happy enough with their circumstances and wouldn’t change them for anything but there are some within this cohort who are not.

They still dare to dream. Restless, curious and courageous they are examining their best options – looking for new opportunities and different  paths. What they are looking for, I believe, in this age of creativity, is that “something else,” a breakthrough moment, a ‘aha’ idea or thought to take them to what’s next.

But how, many ask?

How do you take all that you have learned and experienced and find in that mix of your life, the elusive key to something new?

colour_outside_250For openers, here are five things you can do to get started:

1. Take some time out. Stop. Get out of your daily routine and get into a  “quiet zone,” a space or place where you can actually hear yourself think.  When was the last time you did that?

2. Become an explorer. Be willing to examine and, if necessary (hint: it probably is) unlearn much of what you have learned and to discard  some of your outmoded views and opinions. (There is a good chance a few are way out of date.)

3. Embrace uncertainty and welcome it with open arms. Expect the  unexpected. Stop trying to control everything; doing that only only  hinders innovation that leads to growth.

4. Colour outside the lines (again). Get out of the box. If you are really courageous, consider stepping out of the bubble. Listen to your intuition. Learn to read and follow the signs that will naturally come your way if you are open to recognizing them. (When you are you will find the help you need just when you need it.)

5. Trust yourself (again). Your head may lie to you. Listen to your heart. It is your heart that keeps you honest.

It isn’t easy. Nothing that is of any value comes easy, but as we age we must take the time to think about everything, to make what we think counts count, to sharpen our focus on what matters most and then create something new by practicing the art of changing in the Third Age.

 I invite you to join me on Facebook, connect with me on LinkedIn or email your thoughts and comments to drew@drewsimmie.com


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January 31st, 2014

The Choice is Yours

Life is about choices, the most fundamental one of which is how you view life.


Today, constantly buffeted by a steady diet of negativity, fear and pessimism it is easy to think that life is just about the money  – or you can think it is a wonderful, magical ride, albeit with with many bumps and unexpected sharp curves and sharp curves, but well worth the ticket.

Listen to the words of the late Saul Bellow. Say them out loud so you hear your own voice:

If you think that historical forces are sending everybody straight to hell, you can either go resignedly with the procession or hold out, and hold out not from pride or other personal motives, but from admiration and love for human abilities and powers which, without exaggeration, the words ‘miracle’ and ‘sublimity’ can be applied.

The choice is yours…

 I invite you to join me on Facebook, connect with me on LinkedIn or email your thoughts and comments to drew@drewsimmie.com

January 26th, 2014

Spot the Leader

If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader. John Quincey Adams.

Real leadership is about inspiration – not motivation.

John_Quincy_AdamsHe or she understands  that real leadership is not about a position or a title, but an outlook on life; how they see their place in the world and how they relate to those around them.

In an era that demands innovation, persistence and a view longer than the next quarter, the role of a real leader is to foster a work place that unleashes human spirit and creates an environment in which people can excel and thrive.

Real leaders are authentic. They derive their direction and focus from an inner, spiritual purpose. They are very clear about their life’s purpose and direction. They know who they are and speak with their own voice.

They have integrity. They are trustworthy and have a strong moral base. They are totally engaged. Their head and heart are as one.

Real leaders build and support a strong business environment They define their organization on shared ideals and values. At the same time, they are demanding, have high expectations. They give their people the tools to do the job but in return, hold them accountable.

They are committed to personal growth and learning. They are open to reflection and can change strategies if required.

Leading is never easy task, but as our world continues to shrink and competition is hammering so many industries and individuals, we are in serious need of real leaders.

 Have you spotted any lately?!

 I invite you to join me on Facebook, connect with me on LinkedIn or email your thoughts and comments to drew@drewsimmie.com

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January 23rd, 2014

The Countdown Clock

If you want to know your past, look into your present conditions. If you want to know your future look into your present actions. Chinese proverb.


Have you found lately that your spirit has been getting ragged around the edges? That the excitement you used to feel about life isn’t what it used to be? Are you just going through the motions?

If you are short on passion, might it just be because you have long ago met and surpassed your goals and objectives? That you have stopped growing?

For many, growing is about advancing, continually moving ahead. They think growth leads to rewards like money, travel, applause and all the good things that make life more fulfilling, interesting and fun.

They measure their success by what they have, their possessions, their status in society, their relationships and their accomplishments. That’s as far it goes.

For some, though, the  trouble is that you can have all of the above and still not be happy. Strangely enough, getting what you want can make you feel good, but it can also be a trap.

Setting up and meeting all your goals and objectives can actually inhibit your growth. How can that happen, you ask?

Paradoxically, it can happen unconsciously, when you weren’t looking, when the actual act of achieving your goals begins to over shadow the reasons you set them in the first place. Think about that. Sound familiar?

Growing is in our DNA. We are hard wired to be curious and always hungry for more. It is the way humans are. At least, some, like you, are.

But it isn’t just about your goals and aspirations that count. It is the action of striving to reach them that lies at the heart of the growing process. This is where the excitement lies.

Having a goal or an aspiration or a purpose is what makes you jump out of bed in the morning. Without them, the day is long.

So, where am I going with this, you ask? It is this:

Of all our possessions, good health and time are the most precious.

You job or your business hasn’t changed. You have. And so have your dreams.

So dream a new one. A bigger one. Resolve to start growing, to get excited again. The way you used to.

Time waits for no one. Nor will all the new opportunities that are out there, waiting for you, if only you will look.

Start up that dream. The one you know you would like to do. Time is flying. Make the best use of it. Take risks, again. Allow yourself to be vulnerable. Add in a little humility. These are strengths, not weaknesses.

Time isn’t waiting. Start up a count down clock… now… and get running.

 I invite you to join me on Facebook, connect with me on LinkedIn or email your thoughts and comments to drew@drewsimmie.com

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January 19th, 2014

What is Your Social Media Strategy?

If you are like me, you may  have been thinking about and reviewing your social media strategy, trying to find the most effect way to reach out to your community.

What are the best tools and the most productive approach? How much time do you have to devote to it? How good is your content? How tightly have you identified your target market?

Whatever your business, you won’t want to miss this article from Fast Company, 10 Surprising Social Media Statistics That will Make you Rethink Your Social Media Strategy.

 I invite you to join me on Facebook, connect with me on LinkedIn or email your thoughts and comments to drew@drewsimmie.com

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Email drew@drewsimmie.com or call direct 416.450.8867.