
October 14th, 2013

Giving up isn’t a strategy.

“The boat is safest when in port, but that’s not what boats are built for.” Pablo Coelho.


Does what you are currently working at no longer work like it used to?

Think it’s only your marketing strategy that is out of kilter?

There are three reason why a sale or transaction takes place:

  1. You have what the customer wants.
  2. You have it at the price they want to pay for it.
  3. You have it when they want ii.

Could it be that it’s not just a marketing issue but that you need to reinvent and/or reframe your product or service proposition to suit today’s new business realities?

Tough questions, I know…. but the market place is tough today.

Hint: Giving up isn’t a strategy.

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October 10th, 2013

You Have To Till The Soil

drew-simmie-working-vineyardA farmer, being on the point of death, called his two sons to him and said,”My sons, I am now departing from this life, but all that I have to leave to you is to be found in the vineyard.”

As soon as the old man was dead, the two sons, believing that their father had meant to tell them of some hidden treasure, set to work with their spades and ploughs and turned over the soil of the vineyard again and again.

They found no treasure, it is true, but the vines, strengthened and improved by this thorough tillage, yielded a finer vintage than they had ever yielded before, and more than repaid the farmer’s sons for their efforts.

Moral: Industry sometimes pays unexpected dividends. An Aesop Fable.

Even today, with all our technology and instant access to everything, nothing in life that is of any lasting value ever comes easy. Back of all your dreams and search for meaning there are no quick fixes. Every day you have to till the soil.

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October 7th, 2013

Making a Change

drew-simmie-aischylosWhen you are willing and eager the gods join in. Aeschylus.

One of the common misconceptions about change, I have found, is that many who wish to, think it should happen all at once, in a some sort of cosmic flash.

It doesn’t. For most, change happens slowly, one step at a time, and never without doubts and, occasionally, sheer terror. It is a journey, a long journey of exploration, observation and inner contemplation.

One step forward, two steps back. However great your doubts and fears, though, your courage will prevail and overcome the obstacles.

Change occurs as the result of a multitude of actions you take as you learn and experience and, step by step, alter your course as you grow into the person you were meant to be, offering your unique gift to the world.



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October 3rd, 2013

Exhibiting Strength

You are exhibiting strength when…vulnerable-totk

You respect and defer to another’s views or opinions that are different from yours.

You are compassionate.

You tell the truth, especially if it is inconvenient.

You share credit and give others their due.

You are willing to ask for help.

Being willing to be vulnerable, to risk appearing weak takes strength… and courage.

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September 29th, 2013

Tell Your Story. Say Something Worthy.

By now it is becoming increasingly clear that the the old method of marketing is on the way out, if it hasn’t, like Elvis, already left the building!


The rapid advance of social media has taken care of that. What has taken its place is relationship building and story telling… and joining in a conversation.

Regardless of the the size of your enterprise, content is king. Whatever the form of communication with your tribe, if you want to be invited into the conversation, the starting point is to say something that is worthy of your audience’s time and attention. Everybody’s busy.

If you missed it, there is an excellent article on Fast Company. It is well worth the read and definitely worthy of your time. 

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For more information, rates, or to set up a meeting:
Email drew@drewsimmie.com or call direct 416.450.8867.